Friday, June 17, 2011

WGB: Transitional Rye Bread

I have to be honest up until the Bread Baker's Apprentice I thought I didn't like rye bread. I was surprised by how mild rye flour can be when I baked for that challenge. That said this was my least favorite sandwich bread thus far. My bread turned out dense with a very tight crumb. My husband liked it, but I found it much to dense for a sandwich. It did make good toast though.

Here are some other posts from by fellow bakers:
Susie's Home and Hobbies

On to the cinnamon rolls! I'm stepping out of the loaf breads for this one in honor of Father's Day. We'll be baking these for breakfast on Sunday.


  1. Really nice looking loaf.
    We really loved the flavor of this one. I 'love' rye. :)

  2. This was my Reinhart transitional rye experiment / bread-off.
